Anatomy of a Diamond
Anatomy of a Diamond
When starting to learn about diamonds it’s important you understand the different parts of a diamond and know the names. See below a breakdown of the different areas of a diamond which can be helpful to identify the perfect diamond for you.


Diameter: The width of the diamond as measured through the girdle.
Table: The largest facet of a gemstone.
Crown: The top portion of a diamond extending from the girdle to the table.
Girdle: The intersection of the crown and pavilion which defines the perimeter of the diamond.
Pavilion: The bottom portion of a diamond, extending from the girdle to the culet.
Culet: The facet at the tip of a gemstone. The preferred culet is not visible with the unaided eye (graded "none" or "small").
Depth: The height of a gemstone measured from the culet to the table.

Caring for your Diamonds

While diamond stones are the hardest natural substance, they are not indestructible. You need to consider your lifestyle when selecting a style of setting to make sure it will withstand daily wear. Diamond rings should also get regular checking and cleaning to make sure that they remain secure in their setting and to remove any built up dirt.

For diamonds to display maximum brilliance and brightness they must be kept very clean to allow the light rays to enter and exit the stone. To keep your ring sparkling for years to come, here’s how to keep it clean in between regular cleaning check-ups.

Note: Don’t use this for opal, turquoise, pearl or emerald rings.

1. Get a small dish fill it with 8ml of boiling water (let water cool off for a few minutes) & add 2ml of diluted cloudy ammonia (you can buy this from your local supermarket)

2. Place your ring in for approximately 5 minutes

3. Use a small watercolour brush or non-abrasive tooth brush to clean under the setting. This is important as stone will look foggy if underneath is not cleaned.

4. Rinse under hot water (from the tap), and give it a good shake

- Optional extra step: Finish drying it with a hair dryer or clean paper towel

You’re all set, your diamond ring should be sparkling!
