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Condition Demo
GST: Inclusive (see below note)
Buyers premium 15%
Location Corner of West Lakes Boulevard and Frederick Road, Seaton, SA, 5023
Category Kitchens and Bathrooms
Sales Support Customer Service or (p) 1300 36 25 36
Lot ID 0021-8501205
Part of Sale Modern Kitchen & Bathware Products - SA Pick-Up


Single person fibreglass bath, has overflow hole cut, note: unit has minor blemishes, scratches, 1670 x 675 x (inside) 40mm (803845-27)

GST Note: GST is included in the final bid price of this item. GST is included in the buyers premium.

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Condition of Sale

Condition of Sale


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SA Collection

SA Collection


Pick up date: Friday 13th April 2012 between 8.30am and 4.00pm. Pick up outside this date/time is not available.

Pick up location: Corner of West Lakes Boulevard and Frederick Road, SEATON SA 5023

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Single person fibreglass bath

Closed: 10 April 2012 19:45 AEST

The auction has ended. See similar items.
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