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Condition | Used |
GST: | Inclusive (see below note) |
Buyers premium | 15% |
Location | 85 Colebard Street West, Acacia Ridge, QLD, 4110 |
Category | Catering & Restaurant |
Sales Support | QLD Industrial Assistance or (p) 07 3274 1277 |
Lot ID | 0064-7002852 |
Part of Sale | Commercial Bakery & Catering Equipment - QLD Pickup |
Warranty | -
Kelvinator Opal single door upright freezer. 200L capacity. Untested. Marks and scratches. (52431-6)
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Monday 29th October 2012, between 9am - 3pm
85 Colebard Street West, Acacia Ridge, Qld.
Site Access
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Friday 2nd November 2012, 9.00am to 3.00pm
85 Colebard Street West, Acacia Ridge, Qld.
Site Access
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Closed: 31 October 2012 21:00 AEDT